Norwich Yoga Central


Norwich Yoga Central

Norwich Yoga Central - Our Therapists

Tess Bickerstaff

Tess Bickerstaff

Tess Bickerstaff

Yoga with Tess

A 1:1 yoga class with Tess would be perfect for you if

  • You feel nervous about stepping into a class with other people
  • You have practised for a while but you’re not sure you are doing it right
  • You feel like you have a list of questions you can’t ask in a normal class
  • You feel there is more to yoga and you want deeper explanations
  • You would like to have knowledge on how to safely practise at home on your own
  • You would like to go deeper into your practise and try more advanced postures and breathing techniques
  • You want to play in Tess’s infectious energy and have more fun with your pracitse

Tess Bickerstaff is the Norwich Yoga Central studio director, an international retreat leader and Yoga Alliance Register Teacher (500+ Hours of training) with over 9 years experience living, teaching and practising yoga. 

Tess has studied with some great teachers and gurus, from Swami Atma Gyanam Saraswati, Dylan Werner and Mercy Ananda, to Shiva Dass and Eion Finn and she weaves their knowledge with her own innate brilliance to create deep, playful, heartfelt classes that help you step into the best version of yourself, one posture at a time.

Private Yoga Experience - £65 per session 75 Minutes

To book: email Tess at for availability.


Inner Resilience with Tess

Do any of these resonate with you: 

  • I’ve lost my purpose
  • I’ve fallen out of love with my body
  • I’ve struggled with self-doubt and low confidence
  • I feel like I don’t have a tribe and long for deep, rich, nourishing friendships
  • I worry I’m wrong and just can’t make decisions
  • I try and please everyone and feel like I’m worn out
  • I put everyone else before myself and have people pleasing issues
  • The children have grown up and left home and I suddenly don’t know who I am anymore
  • I’ve found myself divorced at a later stage of life

Tess offers Inner Resilience, a bespoke 1:1 mentoring package for women who need to refind themselves after a big life change. Tess is all about helping you fall in love with exploring your edges and being brave enough to make the type of memories that WILL change your life. This mentoring is blended with an experiential immersive element to invite you to reach your potential and have the courage and confidence to live life to the fullest.

Tess’s unique gift is to help you feel confident in a way you’ve never felt before. This type of confidence runs soul deep, it’s so much more than about how you look, it’s the ability to stop holding yourself back, make choices that actually give you what you want and to stretch what you are capable of and be brave enough to live out your wildest dreams. 

Inner Resilience 1:1 Bespoke Mentorship - £65 an hour or £275 for five sessions.

To book your session email Tess 


Follow Tess On Instagram

Join Tess on a Retreat





Treatments at The Restoration Room 

Level 5 Soft Tissue Therapy - encompasses deep tissue massage, myofascial release, sports massage and remedial massage all in one session. Designed to assess and treat everyone from athletes to office workers it's an effective one stop shop for pain, tension and movement restrictions.  

Holistic Massage - is all about embodiment.  

These sessions encourage a deep state of calm and offer a safe space in which the body and mind are free to relax and unwind. 

Each massage is unique and includes a combination of slow soothing strokes, myofascial work, light stretches, nurturing holds and a balance of positions and pressures right for you on the day.  

Holistic Massage with Reflexology or Reiki 

Use the "add-on" feature when you book and I will carefully incorporate 20 minutes of Reflexology or Reiki to your massage. 


The little treatment that gives so much! Reflexology can be used to rejuvenate, restore and rebalance. It's great for relaxation, symptoms of stress and easing common complaints, including those of pregnancy.  

It uses gentle pressures applied to reflex points as well as light touch and sensitive energetic linking between systems, structures, mind and emotions to bring peace and balance. Each session is tailored to you. 

Usui Reiki 

Reiki promotes a sense of peace, calm, clarity and wellbeing. It can also encourage grounding and connectedness. Great as a regular practice or during times of transformation. 

Full hour sessions apply Reiki to the whole being via the 7 chakras of the body.

Works well with other therapies, including yoga, meditation and self inquiry. 

For more information go to the website 

Or go directly to the online self booking diary 

I look forward to treating you 💜 


Regine Kerschbaumer

Regine Kerschbaumer

Regine Kerschbaumer

Regina Kerschbaumer a holistic wellbeing expert and have over three decades of body work experience. Apart from teaching a yoga, meditation and mindfulness, she is also a practicing Bowen and IFS Therapist  and are now available to offer these treatment here at Norwich Yoga Central
 “The Bowen Technique is a catalyst in enabling the body to heal itself’.
 Bowen is a very effective, gentle, hands-on, non-invasive, holistic therapy  - performed through light clothing - which is very relaxing and restore balance to the body, allowing it to open to it’s own healing powers.
Symptoms reported to respond to Bowen:
*  Enhance joint mobility  and relief muscular skeletal problems – frozen shoulder. sciatica, back/hip, legs and knee pain, arthritis, tennis elbow, fibromyalgia, neck tension, M.E, M.S, Whiplash, RSI, TMJ dysfunction or jaw problems.
*                Acute and sporting injuries – shortening recovery time, improving mobility and suppleness.
*                Improving circulation – skin, lymphatic and nervous system.
*                Digestive problems – constipation, IBS, acid reflux.
*                Respiratory problems – asthma, hay fever, sinus congestion and respiratory difficulties.
*                Reduce Stress

The Internal Family Systems - IFS - also known as ‘parts therapy’ is a powerfully transformative form of psychotherapy emphasises the natural multiplicity of the mind.

Do you need to Overcome emotions that are holding you back?   If you’re looking for extra support and guidance through a challenging situation? Or are you just ready to move in a new direction in your life? Set yourself free and find wholeness with IFS!

As humans we are multidimensional beings – made up of many aspects or “parts” that take on different roles, such as an inner critic or inner child, and consist of wounded parts and painful feelings like anger, doubt and shame. In IFS therapy we invite and welcome all ‘parts’ with the grounding assumption is that there are no bad parts, but only parts forced into bad roles.  When a client learns how to access Self, they can then heal the wounded parts and bring the mind/systems into balance and harmony allowing them to become more Self-led. The natural side effect of this healing and integration is a reduction in problematic or symptomatic behaviour.

IFS is used to treat a range of mental health disorders including anxiety,  substance misuse, depression, PTSD and eating disorders.

Contact: 07876 133036