Norwich Yoga Central


Norwich Yoga Central

Courses and Workshops

Scroll down to see the Courses and Workshops here at Norwich Yoga Central.

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£65 INCLUDES A 5 CLASS PASS (minimum of 8 hours yoga within the price)

Learn the basics in one afternoon!

So you have heard that Yoga may be good for you, but you don't know where to start, or you've tried a few online classes and not sure if you are doing it right?, or you are returning to the practsise and would like a refresh, this workshop is just for you.

In this three hour afternoon session held at our studio in the city centre, you will discover all the reasons why Yoga is such a wonderful tool to help keep your body, mind and spirit in tiptop condition, all for such a small investment really, financially and time wise too. You will be instructed by our senior teacher Tess, who teaches from her heart with passion and a pinch of fun in this is a learning environment where you will be able to ask questions, go over old ground and head for new horizons. Yoga is for everybody, and we believe every 'body' needs Yoga, so jump in and book this course and look forwards to a better version of you.

This workshop allows you to learn the basics in one afternoon and then use the five classes included to attend the class that suits your schedual or ability, you will be advised at the end of the session which classes will be best for you.

If you have a reasonable range of movement and no serious health issues, and you can get up off the floor and walk up a flight of stairs you'll be ok, If you are in any doubt as to your suitability then please do email us and we will call you straight back.

Please bring your own mat, water and maybe a notepad and pen.

Dates are-
June 8th th 2-5pm

£65 IN ADV.

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OCTOBER 19/20 2024

Mastering Emotional and Physical Balance: Pranayama Techniques for Nervous System Regulation

Pranayama research shows that by engaging in different breathing techniques, we can control the way our nervous system behaves and, consequently, our emotions. Emotions also impact the way we move.

This weekend, we explore various pranayama routines that investigate the benefits of breathing alone and with each other. Both have different speeds of impacting our nervous system, including evidence-based research to:

• Calm a dysregulated nervous system
• Use breathing to understand how muscles and joints respond to breathing patterns for stronger poses and increased flexibility - explore the use of pranayama in bodywork

Breathing is the key to deciding how we feel and respond. Regular practice can help us reset our approach to life and magnetize our desires. Join us to discover the power of pranayama in mastering your emotional and physical well-being.

Saturday AM:

• Pranayama
• Meditation
• Chanting
• Yoga: Relaxing tension in hips and lower back

Saturday PM:

• Co-regulation exercises
• Using Pranayama in bodywork

Sunday AM:

• Pranayama
• Meditation
• Chanting
• Asana: Exploring inversions

Sunday PM:

• Co-regulation exercises
• The Sublime Savasana: Bodywork for shoulders and neck


Saturday £85
Sunday £85
BOTH Days £150

Please note: No refunds within 14 days of the event unless we can resell the space.

This booking is non transferable.

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Calling all Maidens, Mothers and Elders....
This is a Womens only event held on or around the 8 Sabbats of the Pagan year either at NYC or outside in the summer months.
This will be a space to move, speak, reflect, manifest and connect. We may do something crafty, go walking, swim in the sea, or anything else creative that fits with that time of year. It'll be an intention setting practise in a supportive, fun and heartfelt space.
You will need to bring a journal, a yoga mat and maybe a question you want answering.
No doubt this will evolve around the beautiful women attending, who'll all have their stories and wisdom to share, so come and join us and connect with like minded souls.

You will recieve an email for each event advising of where it is and what to spell componants to bring, but its advised to get yoursef a beautiful journal, go out and find one that will inspire you to want to write in it, make it a specific trip to just find this.

Times may vary, £33.00

June 22nd Solstice SisterMoon:

This event will be held at my home near Mulbarton, the address and full details will be emailed to you on booking, or the wednesday before the event.
This is an evening gathering but you are welcome to camp over if you wish, it is not compulsory.
We will be:

Creating Ceremony
Nature Walk to gather WildFlowers
WildFlower Crown Making
MayPole Dancing
Feasting by the Fire
SisterSupport Session
Making Merry and Dancing!

Book Now as limited spaces
£66 to include all food and materials.

February 2nd
March 22nd
April 27th
June 22nd Summer Solstice Weekender £66
September 15th
October 27th
December 13th

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Superflow™ Ocean Inspired Yoga 
OCTOBER 15TH 7-9PM £45
Drawing inspiration from Yoga, ancient martial arts, dance,surfing, ski and snowboard maneuvers, Superflow is an ecstatic form of movement. Set to music, it starts off slowly allowing ourselvesto feel centered and open in our bodies. 
Gradually we build up in intensity, spiralling back in touch with the joy of movement. Superflow is not a replacement of Yoga as we know it, but a powerful complement to the regular yoga practice. Offering a little more exuberance and a little less introverted energy. It complements staticmovements with rhythmic flow. You will sweat, release, and feel the life force pulsing through you.
It involves being present to every breath that we take and to our collective universal breath. In alignment-based flow yoga we move in a linear synchronicity, patterning ourbodies to the alignment of yogaasanas. 
While this moving in a linear fashion is incredible learning and discipline, we tend to focus on this disciplined learning of movement, while ignoring our innate developmental movement patterns, the spiralling, circular forms of movement that are essential to our innate selves that we call “Super flow.” 

Life changing, a thought leader, mystical, shamanistic, radical and hilariously funny, Eoin Finn is a globally renowned yogi, surfer and Blissologist who has been carving his original tracks through the metaphysical worlds of yoga, philosophy and movement since 1989.

The Canadian native is a globally renowned yogi, surfer and Blissologist who has been carving his original tracks through the metaphysical worlds of yoga, philosophy and movement since 1989.

Lauded by Yoga Journal as the “Thoreau of Yoga” for his eco-activism and dedication to connecting yogis more deeply to the spirituality of nature; and by Oprah as “one to watch,” Finn’s Blissology Yoga style centers on the simple idea of sharing happiness.


Eoin has studied Anatomy + Physiology at Harvard Medical School and Exercise Physiology at the University of California, Berkeley. While rooted deeply in yoga’s therapeutic and transformative alignment and physiology, his down-to-earth, modern spiritual insights refresh like cool water. He firmly believes that to find bliss, you must “seek quiet solitude in nature.”


A passionate ocean-activist, he started the Blissology EcoKarma project in 2014 raising aid and awareness through yoga and activism for the world’s precious but imperilled coral reefs

What I teach in Eoin’s words:

“Bio-mechanically sound, heart centred, nature inspired, philosophically grounded teachings of the Yoga Practice that attempt to address what I believe to be the biggest problem of our times, disconnection. 

We are disconnected from our own body, mind and heart, we are disconnected from one another. I teach practices that I call Blissology, to help us to reawaken pathways to connection, from neurological brain body connections to the heart space so we live up to our fullest potential for ananda or bliss.”






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